by DEFINIT | Oct 14, 2021 | Consulting
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data shows that the percentage and number of poor people in Indonesia has decreased from 11.47% (28 million people) in September 2013 to 10.70% (27 million people) in September 2016. However, the level of inequality in Indonesia has... by DEFINIT | Oct 14, 2021 | Consulting
Financial inclusion is the key of success for the development in a country. According to World Bank (2008), financial inclusion is an absence of price or non-price barriers in the use of financial services. Therefore, accessibility to the financial sector is a key... by DEFINIT | Oct 14, 2021 | Consulting
The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has issued Presidential Regulation No. 82/2016 on National Strategy for Inclusive Finance (Strategi Nasional Keuangan Inklusif/SNKI). In SNKI, GoI set a target to reach the level of financial inclusion by 75% in 2019. Global Findex... by DEFINIT | Sep 6, 2021 | Consulting
Financial inclusion is one of the pillars of inclusive growth (World Economic Forum, 2017). Financial inclusion can have a large multiplier impact on the economy, one of which is poverty alleviation. Indonesia has carried out several financial inclusion programs as a...
by DEFINIT | Apr 8, 2017 | Consulting
DEFINIT was appointed by DIE (German Development Institute, a German leading think-tank institution) and GPFI (Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion) to conduct this study. This study addressed the motivation and bottlenecks for adopting sustainability standards... by DEFINIT | Jun 10, 2013 | Consulting
Financial system stability is not only influenced by real sector and government sector but also influenced by households sector. The influence of households sector could be in the form of capital inflow from households to financial sector or the demand for lending...