

Research Assistants in DEFINIT are working in various of research, consulting, and training activities, such as conducting literature study, collecting and analyzing data, designing and conducting survey, and designing and preparing reports, presentations, and briefings. They are also involve in the publication activities, such as preparing training documentation, publications, outlooks, and bulletin. As Research Assistant in DEFINIT, you will be in touch with the latest development in the area of development, finance, and economics. You will be also assisting top-tier clients in solving their business and technical issues.

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Research Assistant (RA) Staff

Research Assistant Staff have important role in DEFINIT activities by supporting senior researchers in carrying out excellent quality research at overall business process. Here are several tasks of RA in DEFINIT Team:

  • Provide data, literature studies and information relevant to work
  • Develop training module
  • Organize the whole training (online and offline)
  • Collecting data
  • Conduct statistical analyses of data sets
  • Check facts, proofread, and edit research documents to ensure accuracy
  • Giving reports and informations regarding to the progress of work to the supervisors
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Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 25,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55241

Telp: 0274 513418
Email: Contact@DEFINIT.Asia | Website: www.DEFINIT.Asia