
The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has issued Presidential Regulation No. 82/2016 on National Strategy for Inclusive Finance (Strategi Nasional Keuangan Inklusif/SNKI). In SNKI, GoI set a target to reach the level of financial inclusion by 75% in 2019. Global Findex data in 2017 shows that the level of financial inclusion in Indonesia is around 48.9% in 2017. Therefore, on average, it is needed an increase of financial inclusion level by 13% in every year to achieve the target.

SNKI aims to improve access to financial institutions for all people, especially for certain groups of people. One of the targeted people of SNKI is People with Disabilities (PwD), as there are many PwD who do not have access to financial institutions yet. The result of the study that was carried out by the Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK), KOMPAK (Australia-Indonesia Government Partnership), and DEFINIT (2017) showed that PwD experienced internal and external barriers when accessing financial institutions. Internal barriers that are faced by PwD are the low level of financial literacy of PwD, PwD do not understand products and services in financial institutions, and lack of awareness of PwD on the importance of financial inclusion. Meanwhile, external barrier that cause the low level of PwD’s access to financial institutions is there is still no regulation from the government or regulator regarding the standard of providing financial services for PwD that applied to financial institutions.

The result of the study that was carried out by BAPPENAS, OJK, KOMPAK, and DEFINIT in 2017 shows that around 84.47% of financial institutions at central level do not have special policy regarding the financial services for PwD. In addition, around 91.26% of financial institutions at central level do not have operational technical guidance related to provision of financial services for PwD. At local level, this study showed that around 88.57% of financial institutions do not have special policy related to financial services for PwD.

Considering the need for a standard regulation regarding financial services for PwD that applicable in financial institutions, as a follow up of the Study of Financial Inclusion for PwD in 2017, OJK initiated an activity for developing an operational technical guidance for provision financial services for PwD. This activity was supported by BAPPENAS and KOMPAK, in collaboration with DEFINIT. In developing the operational technical guidance, a literature study was conducted regarding the implementation of standard of providing financial services for PwD that is applied to financial institutions in various countries. The following was focus group discussion (FGD) involving financial institutions, government, regulator, and Disabled People Organizations (OPDs) to collect ideas for drafting the operational technical guidance in providing financial services for PwD. The draft of operational technical guidance for provision financial services for PwD then became an input for OJK to create financial services policy for PwD which can be adopted by financial institutions.
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