Development of Sectoral Economic Growth Model

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought almost all countries to negative economic growth, including Indonesia. After experiencing a long period of downturn, in 2021, economic conditions showed improvement. The Indonesian economy in 2021 again grew positively by 3.69% after...

Financial Identity Number

The result of World Bank survey (2010) shows that roughly one-third of Indonesia’s population does not have saving accounts at any formal or informal financial service providers and around 79 percent of the poor population are financially excluded. The survey also...
Baseline Data Collection KUBE PKH

Baseline Data Collection KUBE PKH

In 2007, the Government of Indonesia started the Family Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan-PKH) with the purpose of improving the quality of human capital by providing cash transfers conditional on household accesses specified health and education services. As a...