oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Penelitian
Financial inclusion is defined as a process that ensures the ease of access, availability and usage of the formal financial services for all members of an economy (Sarma, 2008). According to Global Findex data (2015), Indonesia has a low financial inclusion rate, that... oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Penelitian
Financial inclusion is one the important factor to enable a sustainable economic growth. Low financial inclusion indicates low people’ participations in formal financial activities. Increase in the level of financial inclusion will improve the financial... oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Konsultansi
Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) data shows that the percentage and number of poor people in Indonesia has decreased from 11.47% (28 million people) in September 2013 to 10.70% (27 million people) in September 2016. However, the level of inequality in Indonesia has... oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Konsultansi
Financial inclusion is the key of success for the development in a country. According to World Bank (2008), financial inclusion is an absence of price or non-price barriers in the use of financial services. Therefore, accessibility to the financial sector is a key... oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Konsultansi
The Government of Indonesia (GoI) has issued Presidential Regulation No. 82/2016 on National Strategy for Inclusive Finance (Strategi Nasional Keuangan Inklusif/SNKI). In SNKI, GoI set a target to reach the level of financial inclusion by 75% in 2019. Global Findex...