by DEFINIT | Oct 14, 2011 | Research
The availability of access to formal financial institutions can serve as the catalyst for economic empowerment and improve the household asset ownerships. However, the Global Financial Inclusion Index shows that only 50 percent of adult population have individual or... by DEFINIT | Aug 15, 2011 | Training
Ringkasan Regional Dialog Menurut Laporan Pencapaian MDGs Global Tahun 2010, kinerja pencapaian sasaran MDGs Indonesia pada tingkat nasional sudah cukup baik. Namun demikian, kinerja pencapaian sasaran MDGs pada tingkat lokal masih sangat bervariasi antarprovinsi dan... by DEFINIT | Jul 30, 2011 | Training
University Club, Gadjah Mada University DEFINIT actively takes part in suppporting Indonesia social development through trainings, workshops, seminars, and dialogues. One of which is through organizing National Seminar on the Concept of Nationality on “Developing...