DEFINIT Training offers very high quality training and implements active training methods. Our training methods meet the international standards.

We implement andragogical (adult learning) approach. It is intentionally designed to create a lively training where all participants could actively contribute and take parts in the whole training processes. They are directed to understand that they are responsible and shall take important roles in their own learning and in achieving the goals of the trainings.
In order to do so, various techniques and tools are applied. Metaplan has been frequently used and proven effective in collecting and mapping the ideas of the participants during the trainings. This tool has enabled working groups in the training formulate the problems and solutions effectively. Other active training methods are also implemented e.g. outbound, group work, role play, games, debate and others. We are expert in making a training to be more interactive and dynamic. The idea is to create a fun and conducive environment for the participants to work together.
Sample of Our Training Works
”Credit Rating and Scoring untuk Meningkatkan Kesuksesan Pemberian Kredit Perbankan”
Leaflet Pemberian kredit merupakan salah satu aktivitas utama lembaga keuangan. Kredit juga merupakan mesin pertumbuhan sektor riil melalui...
Seminar Nasional Rakyat Mencari Pemimpin
Seminar Nasional “Rakyat Mencari Pemimpin” dalam rangka menyambut hari Kelahiran Pancasila. Acara yang berhasil terselenggara atas kerja sama...
The Evaluation of Fiscal Decentralization Implementation
(English version only) DEFINIT in collaboration with GIZ and ADKASI has organized a dialogue inviting local governments and local parliaments in...
Managing Global Governance in Asia
DEFINIT, in collaboration with BMZ , GIZ , DIE , and Bank Indonesia , has successfully organized the first Managing Regional and Global Governance...
Time Series and Panel Data for Practicioners
Pelatihan Time Series and Panel Data for Practitioners didesain untuk membantu peserta dalam mengelola, mengolah, dan menganalisis data untuk...
Public Finance Management Series
DEFINIT regularly arranges trainings and capacity building programs for decision makers, one of which is “Public Finance Management Training” (PFM...
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 25,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55241
Telp: 0274 513418
Email: Contact@DEFINIT.Asia | Website: www.DEFINIT.Asia