by DEFINIT | Jun 9, 2023 | Research
Halo, Sobat Prakerja! Setelah dua tahun menjalankan misi ganda sebagai program peningkatan keterampilan dan menjaga daya beli masyarakat, Program Kartu Prakerja kini kembali ke Skema Normal untuk melaksanakan tujuan awalnya sebagai program pengembangan keterampilan... by DEFINIT | Aug 9, 2022 | Research
The world’s economy has now entered a new phase, one of which is good banking practices in providing financial services to the public using digital mode. The Covid-19 pandemic has also created virtual community living spaces (such as Metaverse) and accelerated...
by DEFINIT | Jul 30, 2022 | Research
Kesehatan sektor keuangan merupakan sebuah syarat penting bagi stabilitas dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Apabila sektor keuangan dapat berfungsi dengan baik, maka sektor keuangan, dimana salah satunya adalah sektor perbankan, akan dapat menyalurkan dana dari pihak yang...
by DEFINIT | Jun 20, 2022 | Research
“The Impact of Implementation of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation toward the Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion” In recent years, there had been a significant increase in the development of complex financial products. The financial...
by DEFINIT | Jun 20, 2022 | Research
The Effectiveness and continuity of the economy in a country is highly influenced by its payment system. Payment system is a system that consists of sets of rules, institutions, and mechanisms to transfer fund in order to fulfill obligations emerging from economic...
by DEFINIT | Jun 20, 2022 | Research
The important of debt management start to emerge when Indonesia was hit by Asian Crisis in 1997. The crisis has caused stagflation and high debt to GDP ratio for the Government of Indonesia (GoI). Government debt increased from US$55.3 billion before the crisis to...