Definite Solutions For Infinite ProblemsDEFINIT is a team of fully committed, positive, and professional people, who are always striving to be balanced, integrated, honest, and dependable.
DEFINIT worked closely with partner institutions to develop high quality research, consulting, and training. As a global firm, we partnered with numerous organizations, not only central and local governments in Indonesia but also international and regional organizations in formulating effective development policies. We are committed to transform our clients, our people, and broad society and to shape the better future for the world. Our commitment to meet client needs extends to ensuring that we comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
Here are some of DEFINIT’s partner institutions:
International Partner
Here are some of DEFINIT’s Internasional Partner Insitutions:
The International Labor Organization (abbreviated ILO) is a forum that accommodates international labor issues under the auspices of the United Nations. The ILO was founded in 1919 as part of the Versailles Agreement after World War I. It became part of the United Nations after the dissolution of the League of Nations and the creation of the United Nations at the end of World War II
KfW, formerly KfW Bankengruppe, is a German state-owned development and investment bank headquartered in Frankfurt. As of 2014, it was the largest national development bank in the world,[3] and as of 2018, it was the third largest company with balance sheets in Germany.
CDF of Canada
The Co-operative Development Foundation of Canada (CDF Canada) is an international development charity that helps improve the lives of women, men, children and their communities through co-operatives. We envision a world where self-reliant communities flourish.
Women's World Banking
Women’s World Banking is a nonprofit organization that provides strategic support, technical assistance and information to a global network of 55 independent microfinance institutions (MFIs) and banks that offer credit and other financial services to low-income entrepreneurs in the developing world, with a particular focus on women
World Bank
The World Bank is an international financial institution. Founded in 1944, The World Bank is one of financial and technical assistance to its member countries
The Microinsurance Network
is the international multi-stakeholder platform for experts to work together on key areas of development in inclusive insurance.

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) is the UK’s leading independent think tank on international development and humanitarian issues.

is a continuation of the Government of Australia’s (GoA) investment in social protection and poverty reduction in Indonesia.

SEADI (The Support for Economic Analysis Development in Indonesia) is a joint project of the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Republic of Indonesia.
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, abbreviated BMZ, is a cabinet-level ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is the United States federal government agency primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid.
National Partner
Here are some of DEFINIT’s National Partner Insitutions:
The Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (Direktorat Jenderal Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Risiko, abbreviated as DJPPR) is one of the implementing elements in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia whose task is to formulate and implement policies in the field of managing loans, grants, state securities, and financial risks in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. (or BRI for short) is one of the largest and oldest state-owned banks in Indonesia. BRI is one of the largest banks in Indonesia with a high concern for the development of MSMEs through BRI financial products.
The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (abbreviated as Kemensos) is a ministry that has the task of organizing and in charge of domestic affairs within the government to assist the president in administering state government in the social sector.
Kementerian KKP
The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (abbreviated as KKP) is a ministry within the Government of Indonesia in charge of marine and fisheries affairs. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries has several programs that support the protection of aquaculture farmers through microinsurance products.
PT Asuransi Central Asia (ACA) is an insurance company that plays an integral role in Indonesia’s economic development. ACA continues the tradition for more than 52 years of contributing to insurance and the economy, especially general insurance.

Bank Indonesia
Bank Indonesia (BI) is the Central Bank of Indonesia. The objective of BI is to establish and maintain rupiah stability.

is the largest bank in Indonesia in terms of total assets, loans and deposits (as per 31st December 2011).

IDIC (Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation)
IDIC was established by the Government of Indonesia in 2004 with 2 (two) mains functions; to insure depositor’s fund and to actively participate in promoting financial system stability.

Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK)
OJK is an independent Institution with authority to regulate, supervise, examine, and investigate Financial Services sector in Indonesia

is an organization that works to accommodate the interests and aspirations of all districts in Indonesia in the implementation of regional autonomy.

PAPDESI has a function to gather, facilitate, and become a medium for aspirations of village apparatus and communities

FEB UGM demonstrated the commitment and consistency in developing education and research quality, especially in economics, management and accounting field in Indonesia.

is an organization of local parliament throughout Indonesia. The objective is to reach the effectiveness of good governance in the framework of local autonomy.

Arises from a sense of responsibility of mobilizing the youth of Indonesia in the effort and ability to grow, improve, and develop consciousness as an independent and sovereign nation based on Pancasila and the Constitution 1945

of the Republic of Indonesia is an independent state agency. Working to over see the implementation of good public services.

Karang Taruna
is a youth organization in Indonesia. Karang Taruna grow on the basis of awareness and sense of social responsibility of, by and for the community,

Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency is the ministry

Government of DIY
function is to realize the construction of Yogyakarta as development center of education, culture, and as leading tourist destination.

ACG has been long providing consultancy for Indonesia’s Ministry of Cooperative and SMEs and Ministry of Trade in formulating SME’s policies.

TNP2K serves as the institutions that coordinate the acceleration of poverty reduction across sectors and stakeholder at the central level.

TMMIN acts as a manufacturer and exporter of Toyota products and vehicle components.

is an organization established by the Ministry of Industry that aims to improve and strengthen Indonesia’s Automotive Industry

Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs is the Indonesian government ministry in charge of planning and policy coordination, as well as synchronization of policies in the fields of economics.
Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 25,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55241
Telp: 0274 513418
Email: Contact@DEFINIT.Asia | Website: www.DEFINIT.Asia