oleh DEFINIT | Apr 8, 2022 | Pelatihan
DEFINIT regularly arranges trainings and capacity building programs for decision makers. One of the trainings is “Quantitative Methods for Decision Making Training” (QMDM Training). The QMDM training is specifically designed for decision makers in local governments or...
oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Pelatihan
DEFINIT has been actively involving in developing the capacity of local decision makers (local governments and local legislatures) through the programs of training, workshops, seminars, and dialogue. In order to support better implementation of Local Autonomy in...
oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Pelatihan
DEFINIT organized the “Gathering of Movement of Financial Access Assistance in Rural Areas” at DEFINIT’s office, by inviting the Representative Office of Bank Indonesia (KPwBI) Yogyakarta, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Yogyakarta, Bank Partner Financial...
oleh DEFINIT | Okt 14, 2021 | Pelatihan
In the current development, decision making cannot be separated from the quantitative analysis. Quantitative analysis will provide information on current conditions that can help decision makers to map or develop alternative policies or decisions in accordance with... oleh DEFINIT | Des 30, 2012 | Pelatihan
Workshop: Membangun Kader Pemimpin Berjiwa Entrepreneur dan Berwawasan Kebangsaan Dalam Rangka Pemantapan Nilai Kebangsaan Wirausaha Auditorium Magister Manajemen Universitas Gadjah Mada, 12 Desember 2012DEFINIT bekerjasama dengan Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis... oleh DEFINIT | Agu 15, 2011 | Pelatihan
Ringkasan Regional Dialog Menurut Laporan Pencapaian MDGs Global Tahun 2010, kinerja pencapaian sasaran MDGs Indonesia pada tingkat nasional sudah cukup baik. Namun demikian, kinerja pencapaian sasaran MDGs pada tingkat lokal masih sangat bervariasi antarprovinsi dan...