Mengembangkan Indeks Literasi Keuangan Indonesia

In the last decade, financial literacy has become one of the policy focuses of government agencies and financial institutions. There is a great concern that consumers tend to lack of financial concepts and do not have the tools they need to make financial decisions....

Survei Neraca Rumah Tangga 2012

Household’s Balance Sheet Survey (Survei Neraca Rumah Tangga/SNRT) is an annual program of Bank Indonesia to maintain surveillance on household financial sector. SNRT 2012 was the continuation survey of SNRT 2011, 2010, and 2009. The respondents for SNRT 2012...

Household’s Balance Sheet Survey 2011

Household’s Balance Sheet Survey (HBSS) 2011 is one of Bank Indonesia’s programs to monitor risks at the household level that could affect Indonesian financial system stability. The experience of various countries shows that households’ financial risks and problems...